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Sasak Village and Lombok Southern Beaches


Heading to South Lombok to see traditional handicrafts like traditional pottery in Banyumeluk village, Traditional tenun in Sukarara and discover numbers of stunning beaches in South Lombok of Mawun beach, Tanjung Aan and Seger beach.


Depart from your hotel in Senggigi area and drive to South Lombok through the vicinity town of Ampenan, Mataram to Banyumeluk village. Once there we will explore the village by horse-cart ride. The horse-cart is locally called ‘cidomo’, and it is traditional mean of transportation in Lombok Island. Banyumulek is renowned for its superb potteries that made in traditional way, these potteries are widely exported nowadays. Take a chance for hand-in opportunity helped by the local expert. In the end you are able to bring your own creation home as a souvenir from this village.

Afterward drive to Sukarara Village. This village has been long well-known for its fabulous weaving of ikat and songket fabrics. The weaving process is done on a simple hand-loom, and the weavers posses natural talents and therefore they are skillful in handling the loom and expert in designing patterns of symbols and figures derived from their traditional belief. A hand-in opportunity will be offered to every tour participant. They will guide you how to weave well. You may also try to dress up in Sasak’s costumes and take memorable photos set in a traditional house as the background.

After Sukarara Village we will drive further to Praya, the capital town of Central Lombok, and turn south to Penujak and follow the country road that takes us to Selung Belanak Beach, pristine white sandy beach with beautiful bay. We will have few minutes photo stop here, and continue our drive to Mawun Beach (famous beach – surfers’ heaven). Next is a short photo stop at ’Gua Raksasa’ giant cave, and Gunung Perabu Lookout Point (where we can view at almost all the beaches of Kuta including the promontories scattered around the beaches). We will drive down to the beach of Kuta and stop at a local restaurant for lunch (set menu lunch is included).

Your Southern Beaches Trip will not complete without taking a visit to Tanjung Aan Beach and Seger Beach. The first one is renowned for its magnificent bay views, and glistening white sands. The second one offers a promontory climb rewarded by panoramic beach views. Seger Beach is where an annual festival of ‘Bau Nyale’ beeing held. This festival is related to a local legend about lovely princess who had committed suicide here on Seger Beach to avoid inter clans war that surely would be giving misery to her own people. This legend is inherited by generations among the Sasak people, and so the celebration is held once a year as a remembrance to the princess. Complete info on this legend will be referred by your tour guide.

Our last visit will be Sade Traditional Village. This village is located in after approximately 15 minutes drive from Kuta Beach and it is situated in the middle of mountainous surroundings. We can see traditional house ‘Bale Tani’ the living place and traditional rice barn ‘Lumbung’ where the local store rice after the harvest season. The houses are very simple of thatch roof, bamboo wall, and the floor cemented by the mix of cow dunks and clay soils. The people are the native of Lombok and they still preserve old traditions and way of life inherited by generations.

We, then, return to your hotel in Senggigi area. (L)

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Important Information

Price per person in USD

  • 1 pax: 65.00
  • 2 pax: 45.00
  • 3-4 pax: 35.00
  • 5-6 pax: 30.00
  • 7 and more: 25.00

Price Includes

  • Private air-conditioned transportation with mineral water is provided in the car.
  • English speaking guide
  • All entrance fees and activities as mentioned
  • Meal as specified (L=lunch)


Price Excludes

  • Other meals than mentioned.
  • Other services than mentioned.
  • Personal travel Insurance.
  • Gratuities, personal expenses, drinks, and other items.
  • Other services not clearly indicated in the Package Inclusion above.

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